Anthony Image

Hi there! I'm Anthony Massaad, a Software Engineer. I enjoy creating websites & crafting innovative solutions to software challenges.

About me

I am a software engineer with over 2 years of experience and a Carleton University graduate. My passion lies in collaboration and problem-solving through software development. I have honed my skills across various programming languages and technologies, with a strong emphasis on web development, Python, Java, and C.

I am dedicated to continuous learning and am always seeking opportunities to enhance my skills while staying updated with the latest technology. As a software engineer, I thrive for quality, efficiency, and innovation. I also thrive in collaborative environments where I can contribute to and learn from a team, driving projects to successful completion. If you'd like to explore some of the projects I've worked on, feel free to check out my Github profile. I am actively seeking full-time software developer positions to further advance my career.

My Experience

Sept 2022 - Sept 2023

Irdeto (8mos)

Software Developer

  • Collaborated with the Irdeto Reference Cloud App (IRCA) team in developing a web application using Next.js and TypeScript.
  • Worked with Amazon Web Service (AWS) to host the website, Microsoft Azure to host the database and Auth0 for authentication, ensuring 99.9% uptime and robust security for user data.
  • Implemented multiple web pages with internationalization features, adapting to users’ preferred languages and improving the user experience.
  • Played a pivotal role in creating a TypeScript-based internal component library, providing pre-defined web components and functionalities. This reduced development time by 25% and standardized the codebase across all web projects.
  • Spearheaded in the development of a slack bot during corporal hackathon to help maintain and track merge requests from GitLab, enhancing team collaboration and reducing merge request resolution time.
  • Optimized the logger implementation using python in one of Irdeto’s software components, making logs more efficient and effective. This streamlined the debugging process and reduced bug resolution.
  • Provided virtual and manual assistance in maintaining the test framework and machines, reducing test-related downtime by 50%.
Jan 2022 - Oct 2023

Elections Canada (1yr & 8mos)

Website Designer & Developer

  • Led the development of webpages within the Digital Transformation Branch, and utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JavaScript libraries to create webpages for various teams within the branch.
  • Engaged in weekly meetings with key stakeholders to gather requirements, design, and develop their webpages, ensuring alignment with business needs and enhancing stakeholder satisfaction
  • Developed a search algorithm for the Digital Transformation Branch, significantly improving content discoverability and reducing search time.
  • Created a custom style sheet and JavaScript file for the Digital Transformation Branch, enabling developers to easily create custom components and animations.
  • Spearheaded the development of the Digital Enterprise Transformation Branch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, resulting in a modern, user-friendly interface.
  • Developed a script file for animating components on web pages using JavaScript, enhancing user interaction and aiding in improved user experience.

My skills




Visual Studio Code
Spring Boot


Operating Systems
Object Oriented Programming
Algorithms and Data Structure
Data Modelling
Software Design Patterns
Data Architecture
Object Relational Mapping
Machine Learning

My Favorite Projects

Here are some of my favorite projects to date!
More can be found on my Github.

Audio Genre Classifier

  • Python
  • Machine Learning
  • Transfer Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Developed a machine learning model using a combination of Convolutional Neural Network and a Support Machine Vector to classify audio files to their Genres
  • Used Transfer Learning through a pretrained model tuned to work with the problem at hand
  • Used tuning techniques like Grid Search to optimize both models for better performance
View Project On Github!
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Opinion Owl

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • In a team environment, developed a Mini-Survey Monkey for users to create and fill surverys
  • Utilized Spring Boot to create a front-end user experience that is seamless
  • Used Object-Relational Mapping through Jakarta Persistence to simplify database interactions, enhances code maintainability, and ensures portability across various database systems.
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Real-Time Elevator Simulator

  • Java
  • Simulated an elevator control system in real-time using Java threads following the state design pattern.
  • Utilized UDP to connect the components through the network either via the same machine or across machines.
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  • Python
  • GUI game tetris using the pygame module and Python.
  • Implemented all of the features of the game such as rotations (use of linear algebra), speeding up, etc.
  • Carefully commented the code for better understanding, and heavy use of OOP.
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Chat Bot

  • Python
  • JSON
  • Developed an Artificial Intelligence chat messaging application using PySimpleGUI as the GUI framework for user input and AI responses. This application self-learns and improves based on user input data.
  • Implemented the AI’s database using JSON consisting of tags, patterns, responses, and context to handle a flow of conversation.
  • Used Deep Neural Network Model which takes in the parsed data, trains the bot to produce probability for accurate and precise responses.
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Art Store

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • JS
  • SQL
  • Developed an online art store website using PHP and NoSQL that allows users to browse and favorite a variety of paintings.
  • Uses caching to store data that was previously taken from the database. This makes the website faster because it does not retrieve complex code every single time.
  • Uses Object Orientated Programming for code reusability and flexibility. It also reduces data redundancy.
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Real Time Chat

  • Ejs
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Created interface using Ejs, CSS and JavaScript that allow users to have a real time conversation with other users that are connected to the same server.
  • Created an easy to use interface to allow users to easily send messages and see how many users are in the same server. This interface designed to be accessible on any device (laptops, tablets, or phones).
  • Carefully commented the code for better understanding.
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  • Java
  • XML
  • Developed an object orientated - Java based application of the game Monopoly, which follows the MVC design pattern, which reinforces reliable and maintainable code.
  • Integrated artificial intelligence for the option of including AI players.
  • Used XML to implement save/load features, as well as custom boards.
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Path Finding Algorithm

  • Python
  • Developed a Graphical User Interface using A-star algorithm and Pygame module to show the shortest path between two locations.
  • Used object orientated programming to help with code redundancy, while keeping everything well documented for better understanding.
View Project On Github!
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Check out my github for more!

My Education

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Carleton University

Sept 2019 - April 2024

Bachelor of Software Engineering with Co-op

  • GPA: 10.25/12 (A-), completed all Co-op terms
  • Dean's Honour List with entrance Scholarship of $2000
View Grades

Let's Connect!

Please reach out!

I'm always looking for new opportunities! My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

You can contact me directly at or through the form!
